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Jeanette Lake Trust Centennial Farm Antique Estate Auction
May 21, 2017 @ 11:00 am
Centennial Farm
The Jeanette Lake Trust
11:01 AM, Sunday May 21st, 2017
5200 Harris Rd. Williamston, MI 48895
NOTE: “There is Sooooo Much More yet to be uncovered. Parts of the attic and basement haven’t been touched in 50 to 100 years. Boxes, Drawers, and Corners still to explore. See You There!” Bob
ANTIQUE FURNITURE: Drop Front Plantation Desk; Primitive Pie Safes & Jelly Cupboards INCLUDING one w/Original Red Paint; Oak Bookcase Secretary; Oak Pressed Back Chairs; Morris Rocker; Eastlake Lamp Table; Oak Childs Rocker; Victorian Eastlake Platform Rocker & Gentlemen’s Chair; Oak Library Table; Brass Bed; OGEE Clock; Floor Safe (J. Baum Safe & Lock Co., Cincinnati, OH); Ash Dresser w/Original Brasses & Bonnet Box; White Co. Sewing Machine Base; Wooden High Chair; Washing Machine; Wooden Box; Trunk; Vintage Upholstered Chairs; Arts & Crafts Lamp; 6 Fiddle Back Chairs; 6 Drawer Ash Dresser; Rockers; Oak Grandfather Rocker; Quarter Sawn Drop Leaf Ladies Secretary; More
FURNITURE: 6’ Cherry Kitchen Nook Booth w/2 Benches; Lay-Z-Boy Recliner; G. Shoninger Upright Piano & Bench; Upholstered Chairs; Double Bed; Square Oak Table; Modern Brass Bed; Mediterranean Dresser & Chest of Drawers; Frigidaire Refrigerator/Freezer; GE Electric Range; Welbilt Microware; Twin Size Iron Bed; Metal File Cabinet; Lamps; Plant Stands; More!
COLLECTABLES: Antique Peanut Butter Cans, Photos, Albums, Frames, & Oil Lamps; Gilbert Humpback Clock; Gilbert Mantle Clock; Milk Cans; Old BB Guns; Enamel Ware; Old Sled; Wooden Barrel; Old Crocks; Glass & China; Old Trunk; Cast Iron Pieces; Old Books; Great Men & Famous Women Books; Old Spittoon (Sponge ware); Wooden Butter Bowls; Old Buttons; Autograph Albums; Lots of Costume Jewelry; Stadium Blankets; Old Baskets; Old Radios; Old Marbles; Old Toys; Child’s Wooden Blocks; Arrow Heads; Axes; Jim Morrison (Doors) Movie Poster; Metal Wash Tub; More!
OUTDOORS: 7.1 Hours Cub Cadet XT1 Enduro Series Mower; DR power Wagon; Artic Cat Panther Snow Mobile; Utility Trailer; 16’ Stock trailer; Craftsman Lawn & Garden Dump Trailer; Farm Bell; Generac 60 Power Washer; Hand Tools; Hunter’s Compound Bow; Weed Wacker; Mole Traps; Rototiller; 20” Power Mower; Huffy Bicycle; Lawn Roller; More!
! * ! * ! CLICK HERE FOR 140+ PHOTOS ! * ! * !