“Bid in Person or On Line”
12:01 PM, Sunday, October 16, 2016
Leslie Event Center,169 S Main Street, Leslie MI 49251
To sign up for On-Line Bidding – CLICK HERE!
FEATURES : Weatherby Mark V .30-06 Spr Rifle; Ruger No. 1 .45-70 Govt Rifle; Mannlicher Schonauer M72 30-06 Spr. Rifle; Remington 870 LW Mag 20ga Shotgun; Remington 12-A .22 Rifle; Smith & Wesson Pre-Model 27 .357 Magnum Revolver; Walther P38 9mm Semi-Automatic Pistol; Colt MK IV Series 70 .38 Super Pistol; Ithaca 37 Featherlight 20ga Shotgun; Inland M1 Carbine .30 cal Rifle; Remington Enfield .30-06 Spr Rifle; Marbles Pocket Axe #5; Marbles MA-246MD Damascus Blade Knife; Camillus USN Mk. 1 Knives; Western WL71 Knife ; So much More! Something for nearly every taste and Budget.
RIFLES: Remington 512 Sportsmaster .22 Rifle; Remington 510 Targetmaster .22 Rifle; Remington 511 Scoremaster .22 Rifle; Remington 12 A .22 Rifle; Remington 121 Fieldmaster .22 Rifle; Winchester 52 .22 Rifle; Remington 550-1 .22 Rifle; Remington 510 Targetmaster .22 Rifle; Remington 512X Sportsmaster .22 Rifle; Remington 511 Scoremaster .22 Rifle; Savage 3C .22 Rifle; Winchester 94 0.32 Rifle; Winchester 1894 0.32 Rifle; Ruger No. 1 .45-70 Govt Rifle; Mannlicher Schonauer M72 30-06 Spr. Rifle; Weatherby Mark V .30-06 Spr Rifle; Remington Enfield .30-06 Spr Rifle; Inland M1 Carbine .30 cal Rifle; Remington Rolling Block .43 Spanish Rifle; Remington 742 Woodsmaster .30-06 Spr Rifle; Remington 03-A3 .30-06 Spr Rifle; Winchester 66 Centennial 30-30 Rifle; Marlin 39 Centennial .22 Rifle; More
HANDGUNS: Liberty 21 .22lr; Iver Johnson 1900 .32 spl; Iver Johnson 1900 .32; Erl Svensen F.A. Little Ace .22 Single Shot Pistol; Navy Arms Co. 0.22 4 Barrel Derringer; EIG Rohm RG3 6mm Blank Pistol; Hy Hunter Automatic .22short Derringer; Hy Hunter Automatic .22short Derringer; High Standard H.B. .22 Pistol; H & R 929 .22lr Revolver; Herter’s Guide Model .22lr Revolver; Smith & Wesson Pre-Model 27 .357 Magnum Revolver; Colt MK IV Series 70 .38 Super Pistol; Smith & Wesson 19-2 .357 Magnum Revolver; Smith & Wesson 19-3 .357 Magnum Revolver; Taurus Model 617 Stainless .357 Magnum Revolver; Smith & Wesson 38 M & P (Pre Mod 10) .38spl; Webley Mark IV .38 Revolver; Bersa Thunder .380 Semi-Automatic Pistol; Webley Mark III .455/.476 Revolver; Walther P38 9mm Semi-Automatic Pistol; CYQ P38 9mm Semi-Automatic Pistol; Centennial 1960 New Model Army Black Powder Pistol; EIG Navy .38 Black Powder Pistol; Colt Army .38 Black Powder Pistol:
SHOTGUNS: Iver Johnson Champion .410; H & R Bay State .410; J.L. Galef & Son Companion 20ga; Remington 870 LW Mag 20ga; Ithaca 37 Featherlight 20ga; Stevens 620 16ga; Remington Mohawk 48 12ga; Mossberg 835 Ulti Mag 12ga; Mossberg 5500 12ga; Savage Arms Stevens Model 94 Series V 12ga; Sears 300 12ga; Ithaca “New Ithaca Gun” 12ga; Ithaca 500 12ga; Hunter Arms Fulton 12ga; Remington 870 Wingmaster Mag 12ga; Remington 870 Wingmaster Mag 12ga; Remington 870 Express Magnum 12ga; Remington Ducks Unlimited 870 Mag 12ga
Knives, Swords & Hatchets: Marbles; Case XX; Buck; Camillus (including 3 USN Mk. 1 Military Knives); Schrade; Kershaw; Polaris; Barlow; Victorinox; Bertram; Winchester; Estwing; Vaughan; Olsen; Withrow; Western; NRA; Bark River; Leatherman; Imperial; Various Custom Knives; KA-BAR; Hess; Columbia River Knife & Tool; very nice North American Hunting Club Knife Display Case; More
Quantity of Ammunition & Small Gun Safes are Uncatalogued and will be sold at the end of the sale.
AUCTIONEERS NOTE: This Auction originates from 4 estates and features some of the best firearms we have had in the last 5 years. You can leave absentee bids on line, stay home in your sweats and bid from there or come bid live at our location in Leslie, MI. You may PREVIEW up to two hours prior to the auction. Join us for a free cup of coffee and inspect in person.
TERMS: Bring Purchase Permit or CPL or FFL for the purchase of all handguns. Background checks will be done on all that are required. All required FFL forms will be completed. Please bring gun cases and trigger locks to avoid additional fees. Payment – Cash Preferred, Negotiable Check or CC. (No AMEX) On-site 13 % buyer’s premium with 3 % discount for cash. On-line buyer’s premium 18%. Payment and removal on the day of sale for on-site bidders. Shipping to be arranged by UPS for online bidders. Neither owners; trustees nor estate auction firm responsible for accidents nor items once sold. Everything is sold AS IS, WHERE IS with no guarantee of any kind. All Sales Final!
Bob Howe & Brad Stoecker- Auctioneers